
扭力螺絲起子試驗機 -九游会j9官方登录


扭力螺絲起子試驗機 – tst


內置傳感器配合特別的緩衝器。 tst有3個扭矩範圍, 0.04-2n·m, 0.5-10n·m,1.25-25n·m。其主要量程範圍內準確度為1級(從20%到100%滿量程範圍,精確度達到±0.5%)。

tst真正的通用性來自外置傳感器接口。該接口通過tst的2路開關切換,能連接任何諾霸的“smart”智慧傳感器以及大多數諾霸或其他廠商按mv /v校準的傳感器。

扭力螺絲起子試驗機 - tst

扭力螺絲起子試驗機 - tst-功能介紹

  • 圖形按扭顯示面板便於模式選擇
  • 上下限設定,過低、合格和失效故障指示燈,最多可設置8個目標值
  • 數字極限狀態輸出可用於控制外部工具
  • 使用快速充電內部電池組(最長時間為3小時20分鐘)或交流電源(90至264 伏特)
  • 用於連接到印表機或pc的rs-232-c串行數據接口,軌跡模式使用時連續輸出(最大每秒11個讀數)
  • 脈沖模式和離合器工具模式下的脈衝計數功能
  • “smart”智慧傳感器識別
  • 可存儲20個非“smart” mv/v校準的傳感器校準數據
  • 模擬輸出允許儀器作為過程控制系統的一部分進行性能分析
  • 用戶可選擇每種操作模式的頻率響應
  • 所有用戶選擇功能都具有密碼保護,僅向指定用戶提供所需操作模式和啟用計量單位,這一功能有效避免了操作人員的誤操作


torque screwdriver testing machine - tst-function introduction

the tst combines simplicity with up to date technology to provide a high quality instrument for the testing and calibration of low capacity torque tools. featuring an internal transducer complete with rundown fixture, the tst is available in 3 torque ranges, 0.04 to 2 n·m, 0.5 to 10 n·m and 1.25 to 25 n·m, and has a system accuracy over its primary range (±0.5% of reading from 20% to 100% of full scale). what makes the tst genuinely versatile is the interface for an external transducer.

this interface, accessed by a 2 way switch in the tst, allows the connection of any transducer from norbar's "smart" range and most mv/v calibrated transducers from norbar or other manufacturers. the series 2 products bring a number of enhancements over the original versions. most importantly, the increase in display resolution results in a significantly improved instrument accuracy. true analog output and continuous rs 232 makes the instrument suitable for a wide range of process control and monitoring applications.

product features

  • pictorial display panel for easy mode selection.
  • limit detection with low, pass and fail indication. up to 8 target values can be set.
  • pulse count feature in impulse mode and clutch tool mode.
  • "smart" intelligence for transducer recognition.
  • memory for calibration details of 20 non-"smart" mv/v calibrated transducers.
  • user selectable frequency response for each mode of operation.
  • all user selectable features have password protection. the instrument can be issued to users with only the required modes of operation and units of measure enabled. this feature can virtually eliminate operator induced errors.
  • operation from fast charge internal battery pack (maximum time of 3 hours 20 minutes for full charge) or a.c. supply (90 to 264 volts).
  • analogue output allows the instrument to be used as part of a process control system for example, shutting off a power tool at the desired torque.
  • rs-232-c serial data interface for connection to a printer or pc. continuous rs 232 output when used in track mode (up to 11 readings per sec.)
  • guaranteed classification to bs7882:2017, class 1 or better over the primary calibration range (20% to 100% of full scale), class 2 or better over the secondary calibration range (lowest calibrated value to 20% of full scale). class 1 equates to ±0.5% of reading


型號 料號 鼻祖件料號 範圍lbf.ft
tst2 43212 50539 0.04-2
tst10 43213 50539 0.5-10
tst25 43214 50539 1.25-25
  1. 以上料號不含外部傳感器的傳感器電線。
  2. tst提供緩衝器作為連接模擬器。