
twc扭力扳手校準架 -九游会j9官方登录





    • 配合t-box 2及tdms軟體使用,可確保依循iso 6789-2:2017進行扭力扳子的校准或測試。
    • 同時符合bs en 26789:2003及iso 6789-1:2017規程。
    • 反向反作用平衡系統設計用於支撐扳手重量,將扳手重量對校準系統的影響降至最低。支撐件的浮動性能同時意味著扳手可尋找到其自然水平,而像其他加載裝置那樣受到限制。此類限制會生成寄生力從而影響校準(已申請國際專利)。
    • 超輕合金結構令twc便於運輸,適合作為移動實驗室來使用。配合fmt、靜態傳感器使用。
    • 雙速齒輪箱設計兼顧速度與控制的平衡,既可快速加載扭力扳手,又可實現精確加載操作。
    • 配合fmt,靜態傳感器,t-box 2tsttttpro-test使用。
    • 校準時,twc與扭力扳手的手柄保持固定位置不變。旋轉傳感器確保加載90°施加在扭力扳手手柄上,令其力量直接作用於手柄的加載點。
    • 使用twc手動扭力扳子校準架時任何傳感器不得使用其低於 5%量程的量程區間範圍。


型號 料號 說明
twc 400 60331 400 n·m手動扭矩扳子校準架
twc 1500 60332 1500 n·m手動扭矩扳子校準架


  • 可依循iso 6789:2017第一部分及第二部分進行扭力扳子的校准或測試。
  • 反向反作用平衡系統設計用於支撐扳手重量,將扳手重量對校準系統的影響降至最低。支撐件的浮動性能同時意味著扳手可尋找到其自然水平,而像其他加載裝置那樣受到限制。此類限制會生成寄生力從而影響校準(已申請國際專利)。
  • 超輕合金結構令twc便於運輸,適合作為移動實驗室來使用。配合fmt、靜態傳感器使用。
  • 校準時,twc與扭力扳手的手柄保持固定位置不變。旋轉傳感器確保加載90°施加在扭力扳手手柄上,令其力量直接作用於手柄的加載點。
  • 提供強大而便捷的觸摸屏用戶ui界面(如有需求,亦可連接鍵盤與鼠標)。
  • 靈活的工具模塊系統,依據類型、iso分類及支持單位、扭力範圍等完成自定義模板。客戶可根據自身需求完成校準工作流程的編程設定,並將模板套用在註冊工具上進行校準。每個模板均可進行校準編程設定,可依據iso標準流程進行預設,便於工具完成快速設置。同時也支持非iso標準校準流程的自定義設定。
  • 校準工作管理:預約校準,跟進之前預定的校准進度並重新開始。
  • 自動管理非指示工具的校準及一致性工作流程。
  • 智慧速率控制系統確保工具快速循環。滿足iso 6789:2017規程。
  • 濕度溫度環境監測滿足校準規程。
  • 依據iso 6789-2:2017校準規程自動管理不確定數據,按照現有工具iso分類及工作流程,使用動態指令指導客戶完成整個流程。
  • 自帶數據分析及證書生成模塊,從校準/一致性過程到生成校准證書無縫銜接,無需第三方軟件。
  • 海量內置存儲空間滿足數年正常使用校準數據儲存。
  • twc控制盒擁有uksa認可校准證書。 (諾霸是世上少數幾家可為設備及扭力傳感器頒發ukas認可校准證書的製造商之一)因此,客戶可在保持完整追溯性的前提下交換設備及傳感器組合。
  • 使用twc自動扭力扳子校準架時任何傳感器不得使用其低於 5%量程的量程區間範圍。
型號 料號 扭力扳手校準架(twc)
twc auto 400 60312 400 n·m自動扭力扳手校準架
twc auto 1500 60313 1500 n·m自動扭力扳手校準架


  • 60322快速拆卸組件可進一步簡化並提升校準實驗室效率。
  • 60324六角轉接組件配合twc手動扭力扳子校準架使用,通過內部解決方案的實施,提升用戶工作流程速度,從而將扳手快速挂靠至反應點。
  • 60330偏置角板組件在校準頭部固定扭力扳手時具有更大的靈活性。
型號 料號
靜態傳感器支撐組件 60318
短反作用力臂柱 60319
快速拆卸fmt組件 60322
pro-test及靜態扭力塊轉接組件 60323
六角轉接組件 60324
twc潤滑套件 60325
fmt25轉接組件 60327
3kg砝碼 60329
偏置角板組件 60330
1" 凸方頭轉接 3∕4" 凹方頭法蘭驅動轉接頭 29214
1"凸方頭轉接 1∕2" 凹方頭法蘭驅動轉接頭 29215
1" 凸方頭轉接 3∕8" 凹方頭法蘭驅動轉接頭 29216
1" 凸方頭轉接 1∕4" 凹方頭法蘭驅動轉接頭 29217

torque wrench calibration stand-manual-function introduction

the norbar torque wrench calibrator is designed to perform accurate calibrations of click, cam, dial and electronic torque wrench designs in accordance to iso 6789:2017 the part number for the this torque wrench calibrator has changed from 60314 to 60332

  • two speed gearbox designed for a sufficient balance of speed and control which allows for both fast loading of the torque wrench and a slower more precise loading
  • during calibration, the twc maintains a fixed position on the handle of the torque wrench
  • rotating transducer design ensures that the load is applied 90° to the torque wrench handle. the benefit of this precise alignment is that forces are applied squarely to the load point of the handle
  • lightweight alloy construction ensures the twc is easily transported, making it well suited for mobile laboratory applications
  • can produce certification to iso 6789-2:2017 when used with t-box xl™ software version 3.0.0.x and tdms version 4.0.x
  • counterbalance reaction is designed to support the weight of the wrench so that the weight does not become a parasitic force within the calibration system. the floating nature of the support means that the wrench is able to find its own natural level rather than being constrained as in many other loading devices. any such constraint will be a parasitic force within the system (patents apply)
  • compatible transducers include flange mounted transducers, static transducers (when using part number: 60318) and pro-test (when using part number: 60323)

torque wrench calibration stand-automatic-function introduction

the norbar torque wrench calibrator is designed to perform accurate calibrations of click, cam, dial and electronic torque wrench designs in accordance to iso 6789:2017

  • during calibration, the twc maintains a fixed position on the handle of the torque wrench
  • rotating transducer design ensures that the load is applied 90° to the torque wrench handle. the benefit of this precise alignment is that forces are applied squarely to the load point of the handle
  • supplied with a powerful yet simple touchscreen user interface (ui) (keyboard and mouse also supported if desired)
  • flexible tool template system; minimises number of templates required to cover a wide range of tools, aiding efficient use
  • programmable calibration workflow for each template, can be pre-set to iso compliant flow for the given tool for a faster set-up or can also support bespoke non-iso compliant workflows
  • calibration job management; book calibrations, track progress of previous bookings and resume them
  • automated management of calibration and conformance workflows for non-indicating tools
  • intelligent rate control system ensures fast cycling of tools while maintaining compliance with 2017 standards
  • environmental monitoring (humidity/temperature) to ensure compliance with calibration standards
  • automated management of uncertainty data for iso 6789-2:2017 calibrations, guiding the user through the process using dynamically generated instructions based on the current tool's iso classification and workflow
  • inbuilt data analysis and certification generation seamlessly move from calibration/conformance procedure to certificate generation, no third-party software required
  • a substantial amount of inbuilt storage allowing for years’ worth of calibration data through normal use
  • lightweight alloy construction ensures the twc is easily transported, making it well suited for mobile laboratory applications
  • counterbalance reaction is designed to support the weight of the wrench so that the weight does not become a parasitic force within the calibration system. the floating nature of the support means that the wrench is able to find its own natural level rather than being constrained as in many other loading devices. any such constraint will be a parasitic force within the system (patents apply)

